Our Vision
envisions to make the Philippines the world leader, paragon of excellence,
in the field of choral music and singing.
Our Mission
to establish a Singing Philippines
by ensuring that Filipino singers are discovered, trained, and developed
to the highest standards and optimum aesthetics.
To promote Filipino choral excellence and the preeminence of the Filipino choral artists on the world stage.
To be the guardians of the founding philosophy and vision of the Philippine Madrigal Singers; to ensure that appointment, authorities, actions and accomplishments of the choirmaster, and other artistic and management leaders of the various projects and initiatives of the foundation are aligned with the founding philosophy and choral excellence standards established by the founder.
To promote and encourage research, development and performance of choral and vocal music by providing support and resources for undertaking such goals to the Philippine Madrigal Singers, choral composers/arrangers and educators.
To organize, establish and manage complementary programs and projects to promote the highest level of choral singing in the Philippines, in Asia and the world, including but not limited to commissioning of artistic works, scholarships, and educational grants, training, talent development, outreach, competitions, festivals and the establishment of a choral center or institute.
To publish and distribute choral and vocal music literature, in support of promoting choral music, in various media and forms.
To source, develop and manage the resources required to fulfill the mission of the Philippine Madrigal Singers and the Corporation, in accordance with its founding philosophy.
Core Values
The Philippine Madrigal Singers has long been guided by the principle of singing from the heart.
The goal, therefore, is not just to promote people’s sense of aesthetics when it comes to the arts,
but also to mold their H.E.A.R.T.S.
At the root of this work of development are the following core values.
Conscious of the constant aim to become a bastion of greatness, the Philippine Madrigal Singers recognizes the need to be firmly grounded on humility, understanding that the company is not of grandeur and glamour but an opportunity to share one’s gifts to others.
Always on top of the Philippine Madrigal Singers aspirations is to become a paragon of excellence not just in the area of artistic performance but also in commitment and tenacity to become perpetual learners.
At the core of all activities and objectives of the Philippine Madrigal Singers is the value given to the preservation, protection, and promotion of the art of music and performance, guaranteeing that everything is done according to optimum standards.
Members of the Philippine Madrigal Singers are expected and formed to develop a sense of responsibility, honoring principles of conduct and discipline, and ensuring awareness and cultivation of relationship maintained with the larger community.
As an ensemble, the Philippine Madrigal Singers must work towards the establishment and propagation of a high level of trust among members and with its partner institutions.
The Philippine Madrigal Singers offers itself in service to others especially as an agent for promotion of peace and harmony in the world.